This guy has some interesting things to say about the history of fire departments and "socialism" in America.
WATCH the video at The Punk Patriot.
This guy has some interesting things to say about the history of fire departments and "socialism" in America.
"Newt Gingrich's spokesman told Salon in a phone interview today that building a mosque at Ground Zero 'would be like putting a statue of Mussolini or Marx at Arlington National Cemetery.'"
"What a week its been for us document hounds!! The dust is still settling from the wikileaks dump of over 70,000 raw, uncensored US military intelligence reports from Afghanistan. They have certainly revealed some interesting tidbits."
"The new Medicare and Medicaid laws increase access to health care services."
"Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich included Sarah Palin in a list of people he expects to run for president in 2012."
"Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich twice called on the United States to attack North Korea and Iran Axis of Evil' members by invading Iraq. He also claimed that Muslims are trying to install Sharia law on America and said that the 'War on Terror' should have been a war on 'radical Islamists' instead."
"There were several signs Friday that the era of thousands of oil-skimming boats and hazmat-suited beach crews is giving way to long-term efforts to clean up, compensate people for their losses and understand the damage wrought. Local fishermen are doubtful, however, and say oil remains a bigger problem than BP and the federal government are letting on."
"Tea Partying 'patriots' are ginning themselves up for a shooting war -- and GOP politicians are on board."
"The recent firing of Shirley Sherrod by the secretary of agriculture after an excerpt of a video of her speech at an NAACP event was used to portray her as a poster child for anti-white racism by Andrew Breibart, the conservative media personality, provoked a firestorm of controversy about race and its legacies in American life."
"Is nothing sacred? Beck connects Homer Simpson to the Weather Underground."
"Conservative author blames liberal media for fanning flames of racism to protect the president."
", the website promoted on Geller’s ads, contends that Muslim Americans who “long to be free” of their religion are in danger of being killed, and offers protection, including “safe houses,” for those who want out. Muslim rights groups and religious leaders say there is no penalty for leaving Islam and that the Koran condemns killing as a sin."
"Who’d have guessed. Apparently some PBS watchers are also Sarah Palin supporters. Or at least Sarah Palin sympathizers. Comedian Andy Borowitz, in his short, funny segment that appears at the end of Jon Meacham’s ‘Need to Know’ PBS news show, this week made fun of Sarah Palin." PBS received multiple negative comments from Palinista viewers over the segment demanding Borowitz be censored.
"Glenn Beck has denied being 'responsible' for a planned attack on the leaders of the Tides Foundation, a nonprofit organization Beck has repeatedly demonized. Beck has said that he "stand[s] by each one" of his attacks on the group and lauded his coverage of the organization."
"The Beer Party began as a Facebook page, created by the husband and wife team of Chris Winland and Sara Prus, to express their outrage and disdain for the Tea Party in all it’s lunatic fringe glory. It quickly gained quite a following as thousands of Americans rallied to their call for more enlightened, common sense (yet far from timid) discourse."
"You can add your voice to those telling the Tea Party to 'stick a sock in it' until they’ve got something sensible to say (and that goes for Fox News, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and all others of their their ilk, too, not to mention most GOP politicians for that matter) on our Facebook page at:
"It's starting to become clear that some conservative groups think that if Muslims are able to worship on American soil, the terrorists have won."
"Tea party groups in Missouri are furious that national tea party icon, Rep. Michele Bachmann, endorsed the strong front-runner for the Senate nomination Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO)."
"Tim Lahaye, evangelical Christian minister, warns that Obama is bringing us closer to 'the Apocalypse'." (As seen on - where else? - FOX News.)
God forbid we should become like those leftie Europeans.
"The Iowa GOP supports an amendment to strip Obama’s citizenship because he won the Nobel Peace Prize."
"What a year of race-baiting it's been for Beck."
READ more at Jonathan Turley's blog.
"Sarah Palin has taken to her Facebook page to complain about the media's "heart of darkness" as evidenced by e-mail exchanged on an ostensibly private listserv called JournoList concerning a conspiracy theory about her son Trig."
"With the 2010 election season underway, Republicans are reportedly concerned about how the impending release of former President George W. Bush's memoir, Decision Points, may affect the party's success at the polls come November."
"Today, federal district court Judge Susan Bolton ruled on the United States Department of Justice's motion for a preliminary injunction preventing enforcement of Arizona's SB 1070, largely granting the injunction against the bill's most noxious elements."
"This afternoon, in a long-awaited decision, federal district court judge Susan Bolton enjoined several major provisions of Arizona’s immigration law, SB-1070. While it was speculated that Bolton would block parts of SB-1070 relating to warrantless arrests and document requirements, the judge also ended up striking down the law’s most controversial and significant provision: the requirement that police check immigration status."
"Last week, Newt Gingrich...said in a statement, 'There should be no mosque near Ground Zero in New York so long as there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia.'”
"Last night on Fox News, Gingrich seemed to stand by that claim..."
"David H. Brooks, the founder and former chief of body armor manufacturer DHB, is facing charges of fraud, insider trading and using millions of dollars in corporate cash to fund, as the New York Times puts it, 'personal extravagance.'"
Meet Basil Marceaux, Republican candidate for Governor of Tennessee! Could this man be Sarah Palin's running mate in 2012? The half term governor and the half wit governor. We report; you decide!
"A U.S. audit has found that the Pentagon cannot account for over 95 percent of $9.1 billion in Iraq reconstruction money, spotlighting Iraqi complaints that there is little to show for the massive funds pumped into their cash-strapped, war-ravaged nation."
"Remember the Council of Conservative Citizens? They were Trent Lott's buddies back in the day, and are a modern-era, suit-and-tie version of the KKK ("CCC" ... get it?). The Anti-Defamation League has more info on those racists here."
"At least this guy is honest, and doesn’t try to hide his profoundly un-American views."
"On his Monday radio show, Glenn Beck highlighted claims that before he started targeting a little-known, left-leaning organization called the Tides Foundation on his Fox News TV show, 'nobody knew' what the non-profit was."
"Now, you'll notice that I'm a danger, because no one knew who Tides was until the blackboard." ~ Glenn Beck
WATCH the video from Media Matters.