ENTER -- if you dare!
They're back -- and they want to retake possession of "their" country.
Mickey Mouse discovers the government cartoon conspiracy against Glenn Beck. (see below)
Ãœber-paranoid Glenn Beck responds to the "Right Wing Radio Duck" video; opines that it maybe part of an Obama administration-funded plot to bring him down. Priceless.
Go mountaineers! Go back to Florida, John Raese, and take your storm troopers with you when you do!
FOX 'News' promo: "You've got a way better chance of getting that hot chick" if you watch Glenn Beck.
Yeah. If your idea of a "hot date" is a drunk, gun-toting Tea Bagger who looks like Anne Coulter on crack and who has the brain (or lack thereof) of Michele Bachmann.
Oh, great. I suppose this is because Upton Sinclair ('The Jungle') was a left-leaning, progressive muckraker. Full speed astern to the 19th century aboard the Tea Bag Express!
Dumbest quote from the article: ". . . I know this, every portion of our economy that is heavily regulated doesn’t have fewer disasters, it has more." ~ Tea Party candidate, Jesse Kelly; Pima Co., AZ.
Late night horror movie hostess, Elvira, spoofs Christine O'Donnell. She's you, except for two big differences!
"The editor of the Alaska Dispatch website was arrested by U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller's private security guards Sunday as the editor attempted to interview Miller at the end of a public event in an Anchorage school."
I was there. It was great. Not a single Tea Partier or Glenn Beck Koolaid drinker in the crowd.
"National Republican Senatorial Committee Uses Philadelphia Actor to Portray 'Hicky' West Virginia Voters"
"The National Republican Senatorial Committee has pulled an ad showing real West Virginia guys complaining about West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin (D). The problem is that the real guys were not only actors but actors from Philadelphia. The ad makers told the talent agency that “We are going for a ‘Hicky’ Blue Collar look.”
Jeeeezzzz...witches, scary unlicenced clowns. What could possibly be next?
"For about three decades northern Idaho was the notorious base of operations for the Aryan Nations, who'd turned to Hayden Lake because of its isolation and general absence of non-whites. By day they'd attend services at their shrine to Adolf Hitler, or conduct exercises at their 20-acre wooded compound outside town; by night, they'd unwind to pagan death metal. Once a year, white supremacists from around the world would converge upon Hayden Lake (population 494) for a big conference."
". . . despite sharing the stage with Harvard history professor and author Jill Lepore, CNBC's Rick Santelli and Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY), [Armey] openly attempted to rewrite more than a little history to fit his preferred narrative."
Dick "Dick" Armey
"If we fail here, the world is plunged into global darkness."
"Do not go where they are telling you to go, because that place might as well be the Superdome"
"Days After Shooting At University Of Texas, Perry Calls For Allowing Students To Carry Guns On Campus"
GOP: The party of really stupid ideas. Just last week there was a fatal stabbing by an intoxiated WVU student here in Morgantown, W.Va. Gee, I wonder what would happen if they all had guns?
This is unbelievably hilarious. Donald Duck Discovers Glenn Beck in "Right Wing Radio Duck." Ha-ha-ha!
Update: Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010
The real uber-paranoid Beck responds; opines that the "Right Wing Radio Duck" video may be part of an Obama administration-funded plan to destroy him. Priceless.
". . . GOP candidate for the 13th District of Ohio, Tom Ganley, has been accused of sexually assaulting a supporter he met at a tea party rally. (He's been sued over 400 times for ethics and business violations.)"
"Ganley told her he wanted her to dominate her, parade her on a leash and have sex with her in front of his "play friends," the suit says. It accuses him of grabbing her from behind, wrapping his arms around her, kissing her and, despite her resistance, reaching into her pants."
"One Nation march plans send Glenn Beck into a Red-baiting frenzy: Marxists are everywhere!"
Note that -- unlike Tea Bagger events -- no one is wearing silly costumes, carrying misspelled signs or packing firearms.
"Beck has created an online 'Beck University' to spread his unique views of the past and has hosted 'Founders' Fridays' on his television show, devoted to rewriting the nation's early history as that of a fundamentalist state."
"When the subject turns, as it usually does, to President Obama, Beck again sees lessons from history. In particular, he has seized upon two individuals who he believes provide excellent historical parallels to the 44th commander in chief: Woodrow Wilson and Adolf Hitler."
"Evolution is a myth," O'Donnell said, starting to explain her position before Maher interrupted.
"Evolution is a myth?" he asked. "Have you ever looked at a monkey?"
"Well then why aren't they, why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans?" O'Donnell responded.
"With a laugh, [O'Donnell] said: "I would have become a Hare Krishna, but I didn't want to become a vegetarian. And that is honestly the reason why, because I'm Italian and I love meatballs."
"What distinguishes groups like this one from a shooting club or re-enactment society is the prospect of actual bloodshed, which many Ohio Defense Force members see as real. Their unit seal depicts a man with a musket and tricorn hat, over the motto "Today's Minutemen." The symbol invites a question, Who are today's redcoats? On that point, the group takes no official position, but many of those interviewed over two days of recent training in and around the abandoned Roseville State Prison near Zanesville voiced grim suspicions about President Obama and the federal government in general."
Garrison Keillor: Michele Bachmann 'Embarrassing' To Minn.
"It's embarrassing to me and a great many Minnesotans that Michele Bachmann, a politician who is so busy grandstanding and giving interviews on Fox News that she doesn't have time to serve the people who elected her, represents the 6th District in Washington," wrote Keillor, the longtime host of radio show "A Prairie Home Companion," who says his fictional Minnesota town of Lake Wobegon falls squarely within Bachmann's district."
"Season’s greetings: Ohio church sign displayed Ramadan message, demonstrated hospitality, fellowship."