Friday, May 6, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cartoon of the Week

Suspected It All Along

Study: Liberal brains bigger in areas dealing with complexity, conservative brains bigger in area of fear

READ about it at America Blog.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Bill Cosby to Donald Trump: ‘Run or shut up’
Legendary actor-comedian Bill Cosby said that Donald Trump is “full of it" and that "the only thing running is his mouth."


READ about it at MSNBC.

Poster (or button) Of the Day


Anti-intellectualism Thrives In Tennessee

Tennessee House Passes Bill That Lets Teachers Question Evolution In Science Class
Only if they also teach Pastafarianism.

READ about it at TPM.

Bonus bad joke: "I would get up off of all fours, too, if the guy behind me in line was named 'Homo Erectus'."

A Must Share E-Mail From Rep. Alan Grayson

Unless you've been living in a cave recently – Osama, you can stop reading here – you know that the Republicans have blocked the passage of the appropriations bills that apply to all federal spending between April 8 and September 30, so we are facing a government shutdown.

And as the White House has patiently pointed out, that means no more government-backed mortgages, which now account for 95% of the housing market. 

No more government student loans.
No more government small-business loans. 

No pay for the troops, who are now embroiled in three wars. They still have to fight. They just won’t be paid for it. Despite the Thirteenth Amendment. 

No tax refunds, just one week before taxes are due. 

No federal grants for roads, schools, or pretty much anything else. 

No new medical research at the National Institutes of Health. 

And hundreds of thousands of federal employees added to the unemployment rolls. 

But there is one thing that you can still do, if the government shuts down. You can go broke. 

I’m a licensed attorney, and yesterday I received this cheerful reminder from a bankruptcy court to which I’m admitted:

“The Court will continue to operate, business as usual, on Monday, April 11, 2011.”

The staff, the bankruptcy court explained, will be paid out of “fee revenue and other sources.” Anyone who wants to petition for bankruptcy will be welcome to do so. 

So there it is. When the Republicans shut down the government, health and safety, housing and even transportation are all at risk. But the one thing that you can be sure you can still do is ... go broke. 

For the bankruptcy courts, it’s “business as usual.” And the bankruptcy business is booming. 

But leaving that one exception to the government shutdown aside, it’s now official. The Party of No is now the Party of No Government. The Party of Anarchy. The Party of Chaos. 

And remember this: The White House and the Democratic Leadership have agreed (rightly or wrongly) to what the Republicans originally demanded for the 2011 budget -- $30 billion in social spending cuts. Yet now the Republicans are demanding twice as much: $60 billion in 2011 social spending cuts 

But just three months ago, the Republicans insisted on $70 billion in 2011 in tax cuts for the rich. I’m pretty sure that $70 billion is more than $60 billion, any way you look at it. So except for those tax cuts for the rich, we wouldn't be having this argument. 

Please make a note on your calendar. November 6, 2012. Election Day. That’s when it will be our turn to punish them, the way that they've tried to punish all of us.



Easter Is No Treat For Pet Bunnies.

"Dogs and cats aren't the only animals waiting in shelters. In fact, pet rabbits are the third most abandoned animal at shelters. They make wonderful pets, but far too often they are purchased on impulse at Easter, without the owners being truly prepared for a new pet in the family."

Easter is no treat for pet bunnies.

READ about it at Care2. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bristol Palin's Nonprofit Paid Her Seven Times What It Donated

It's like paying Amy Winehouse a quarter-of-a-million to speak out against crack cocaine and heroin use. 
"The Candie's Foundation is under fire after it released its 2009 tax information, revealing that they paid Bristol Palin a staggering $262,500."

Bristol Palin's Nonprofit Paid Her Seven Times What It Donated

Wingnut 'Madonna of the Trail'

 READ about it at Care2.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

And the Rightwing Asshole of the Day Award goes to...

Police Say School Janitor Is Hitler Worshiping, Gun Packing KKK Member


"Joseph Donato Jr., 34, a Long Island elementary school janitor, has been exposed as a hood-wearing, Hitler-loving klansman who kept an arsenal of guns and hate literature and practiced cross burning in upstate New York, authorities said yesterday."

READ about it at

Save the Chesapeake Bay


Monday, April 4, 2011

My Morgantown WV Creds

"Our long-ago ancestor, Morgan Tucker, who fought in the Revolutionary War, resettled there from Kent County, Maryland when Morgantown was still part of Virginia. The records all call it Monongalia, Virginia. I don't know if that was because they could not spell Monongahela or if this is a legitimate variant spelling."
"One of Morgan Tucker's daughters married James Power, who made his way from Monongalia to the town of Arbela in Scotland County, Missouri. He fought with the Confederate Army of Northern Missouri in the Civil War. The Powers were the parents of our great grandmother, Hettie Florence Power (Mom-Mom), Granny's mother. Hettie married Francis Marion Buckingham--the source of your middle name. So, in a roundabout kind of way, you are on home turf." 
(from my sister, the family historian)

Read more on the Web:

viii. Elizabeth 'Betty' TUCKER, born 04 May 1836 in WV; died 29 Oct 1888 in Arbela, Scotland Co., MO Buried:Scotland Co., MO; married James POWER 06 Jan 1856 in Scotland Co., MO.
More About James POWER and Elizabeth TUCKER:
Marriage: 06 Jan 1856, Scotland Co., MO

ix. Minerva 'Manney' TUCKER, born 28 May 1838 in Monongalia Co., WV; died 18 Jul 1918 in Arbela, Scotland Co., MO Buried:Scotland Co., MO; married James Patton POWER 06 Sep 1855 in Adair, Scotland, MO; born 1837 in Indiana; died 1912 in Arbela, Scotland Co., MO Buried:Scotland Co., MO.
More About James POWER and Minerva TUCKER:
Marriage: 06 Sep 1855, Adair, Scotland, MO
Now I have to figure out if my ancestor was actually married to two sisters at the same time!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why Corporations Are Psychotic

"These 'people' are not healthy" Whew! And all this time I thought it was me.

READ about it at Psychology Today.

Rep. Ed Markey: Will the GOP Repeal Gravity?

“Mr. Chairman, I rise in opposition to a bill that overturns the scientific finding that pollution is harming our people and our planet. However, I won’t physically rise, because I’m worried that Republicans will overturn the law of gravity, sending us floating about the room.”

READ about it at Al's Journal.

Texas Bill Would Outlaw Discrimination Against Creationists

Just when you think it might be a slow Friday in Wingnutland, they somehow always manage to come through.
Anti-intellectualism continues to thrive in the Land of Lone Star Beer and Jackalopes.

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

READ about it at Mother Jones.

You're Fired!

I demand to see the rabies vaccination certificate for that dead animal Trump wears on his head. 

"Our current president came out of nowhere. Came out of nowhere," Trump said. "In fact, I'll go a step further: the people that went to school with him, they never saw him, they don't know who he is. It's crazy." -- Donald Trump

READ about it at Politifact.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day

(even though I'm Orange Irish & it's one day before.)

Pat Patterson

The Flat Earth Republicans Are At It Again. Idiots.

Every Single GOPer On House Energy Cmte Won't Say Climate Change Is Real
"Thirty-one Republicans on the House Energy And Commerce Committee -- the entire Republican contingent on the panel -- declined on Tuesday to vote in support of the very idea that climate change exists."

READ about it at TPM.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Yet Another Contender For el Primo Asshole Crawls From the Muck

GOP Candidate: Deport Latino Farmworkers, Replace With Inner-City Blacks

READ about it at Mother Jones. 

Losing the Class War: What's the Matter With West Virginia?

"When did become okay to bash labor and unions in the very region of the country where the labor movement was born and grew and flexed its muscles?"

Mother Jones


READ it at the Daily KOS.

Glenn Beck Has a Personal Meltdown Over Japanese Disaster

Glenn Beck: Japan earthquake could be 'message' from God to follow the Ten Commandments
Beck's personal meltdown over the Japanese disaster proves again that he is an insane sociopath concerned only with his own self-aggrandizement.

READ about it at NY Daily News.

Rightwing Asshole of the Day

Kansas GOPer: Let's Shoot Illegal Immigrants Like Pigs


"Kansas State Rep. Virgil Peck (R) suggested Monday that the best way to deal with the illegal immigration problem may be the same way the state might deal with the problem of "feral hogs" -- by shooting them from a helicopter."

READ about it at TPM.

Friday, March 11, 2011

I'll bet he's booked for gigs before the trombone playing gorilla.

Yikes! REAL 'Nazi Death Panels'

"NH GOP Senator says the disabled and mentally ill are ‘Defective People’ that should be shipped off to Siberia."


READ about it at Addicting Info.

Martial Law in Michigan and the Republicans’ End Game

"While we were venting our outrage at shenanigans in Wisconsin politics, in fact while Republicans were planning last night’s attempted coup, the Michigan state legislature quietly passed a bill giving the Governor of Michigan martial control over the state. Except instead of using actual military, the Governor is more likely to use private security. But make no mistake–rights would be suspended."

Mussolini's corporate-aligned, private security service: the Black Shirts.

READ about it at Politicus USA.

The Age of Ooops

A proposal for environmental accountability 
by Derrick Jensen

READ the article at Orion Magazine. 

Opium Wars

"A key step to securing peace will be to wean Afghan farmers off growing poppies."


READ about it at National Geographic.

Wisconsin's Walker: Union Man of the Year

"We should have invited him here today to receive the Mobilizer of the Year award!," AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a speech Thursday.


READ about it at CNN.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


More money into the black hole of excessive military secrecy and corrupt cronyism. ("Whoops!" is not an option.)
Counterfeit Electronic Parts Ending Up In Department of Defense Weapons Systems

READ about it at TPM.

As Bill Clinton might say: 'Sorry, Newt, but no cigar."

"Gingrich says he cheated on his wives because he felt so ‘passionately’ for ‘this country’."

READ about it at the Raw Story.

Why Climate Change Is So Threatening to Right-Wing Ideologues

by Amy Goodman of Democracy Now


"Climate change challenges everything conservatives believe in so they're choosing to disbelieve it, at our peril."
“My fear is that climate change is the biggest crisis of all.” 
"Global warming could be exploited by capitalism and militarism."

READ about it at AlterNet.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Congress Blocks Ceremony For Frank Buckles, Last Surviving WWI Veteran

To all of us from Jefferson County, West Virginia, this hits too close to home This action by the GOP is a travesty. Mr. Buckles is a true American hero, something the ignorant, misinformed armchair patriots of the Tea Party movement -- who Boehner bows to -- know nothing about.


READ about it at The Huffington Post.

Pershing's Last Patriot :: The Frank Woodruff Buckles Story

Presidential Proclamation--Death of Army Corporal Frank W. Buckles,

Last Surviving AmericanVeteran of World War I


Gov. Walker readies Wisconsin layoffs; Senate leader orders 14 Dems arrested

 wisconsin, public employees, labor unions, scott walker, governor

READ about it at USA Today.

Gaffney, Jones Fight for Soul of Anti-Sharia Movement at Rally by White House
"The common enemy of both groups was radical Muslim Anjem Choudary, a London-based preacher who has been dubbed a "media whore" and has already made the rounds on Fox News promoting his "Sharia4America" rally, which was postponed just a few hours before it was supposed to begin on Thursday."

Anti-Muslim Protestor Throws Crosses at Feet of Man Praying by White House
"The counter rally planned by Frank Gaffney in response to Choudary's pro-Sharia demonstration was left without a raison d'etre after Choudary failed to show up as he'd previously announced (and promoted on Fox News). That left Gaffney and his group preaching to the choir so to speak as they denounced Sharia law to their followers as well as media and curious onlookers."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lying Liars and the Lies They Tell

Fox "News" uses footage from Sacramento, California to make union protests in Wisconsin look violent.

Fox News Through History: Kent State protestors


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Are Democrats Being Left Out of Political Talk Shows?

Liberals communicate using big words and complete sentences rather than grunts and whistles. Unfortunately, that makes for boring television and low ratings.

READ about it at Care2.

Invasive Species Threaten Entire Ecosystems

Threat Could Make Land Preservation Irrelevant

READ and follow the links at Care2.

Monday, February 28, 2011

GOP Spending Plan Would Cost 700,000 Jobs

So much for Boehner's promise of "job creation."

READ about it at The Washington Post.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Tennessee: Feet Washing and Islamic Prayer Are 'Treasonous'

I quess they missed the parts in the Bible where that Jesus of Nazareth guy washed other's feet and prayed a lot.

Tennessee: Feet Washing and Islamic Prayer Are  

READ about it at Care2.

This Just In From the GOP's Rightwingnut, Teabagger Fringe

Town hall question: "Who's going to shoot Obama?" To which Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga., responded: "I know there's a lot of frustration with this president."

READ about it at Salon.