"Nearly three dozen Christian leaders across the theological spectrum have issued a public statement saying they are "deeply troubled by the recent questioning of President Obama's faith."
READ the article at Presbyterian News Service.
"Nearly three dozen Christian leaders across the theological spectrum have issued a public statement saying they are "deeply troubled by the recent questioning of President Obama's faith."
Now that Glenn Beck's Tea Party extravaganza/Elmer Gantry revival meeting at the Lincoln Memorial is over and done with, and all of his "real American" followers have gone home to "real America", I want to share with everyone a great series of maps of the 2008 presidential election results. They tell a quite different story than the divisive one propogated by FOX "News" and most other right leaning media mouthpieces and raise questions about where the "real America" is or whether it even exists at all.
Despite perfect weather, far-right wingnut commentator and paranoid conspiracy weaver, Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' rally attracted approximately 87,000 of his brainwashed Tea Party followers Saturday. This is far short of the 300,000 expected by event organizers or the 1/2 million [!] claimed by the rally's corporate sponsor, FOX "News."
UPDATE 8/29/10: Most Reports of Glenn Beck Rally Size Rely On 'Guestimates'
"CBS commissioned an estimate from AirPhotosLive, a company that provides crowd sizes based on aerial photos. CBS noted that there's a margin of error of plus or minus 9,000. So, by this estimate, there were as few as 78,000 attendees or as many as 96,000."
"Unlike CBS, most news organizations balked at getting that specific (or hiring professionals to make a head count). Some media outlets played it safe with "tens of thousands," a count that's indisputable."
UPDATE 8/29/10: Even Palin Can’t Save Beck From Rally Attendance Fail
"It is the day after Glenn Beck’s Restoring Honor rally, guest starring Sarah Palin, in the Don Knotts, Scooby Doo guest star slot, and the spin is on. Beck claims 400,000 people attended, Palin claims 500,000 people attended, and Michele Bachmann said 1 million people were there, but independent estimates place the number at 87,000-100,000 meaning another Beck rally has flopped."
"Fox News promos often tout the network as 'The Most Powerful Name In News.' Now that power extends into the supernatural as FoxNews.com is caught publishing a story reviewing Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' rally in Washington, DC, the day before it takes place."
1657 Flushing Remonstrance urged tolerance, foresaw modern religious rights.
"The colonists mentioned "Jews, Turks and Egyptians ... Presbyterian, Independent, Baptist or Quaker" and said they were "desiring to doe [sic] unto all men as we desire all men should doe unto us, which is the true law both of Church and State."
"Therefore if any of these said persons come in love unto us, we cannot in conscience lay violent hands upon them, but give them free egresse and regresse unto our town, and houses, as God shall persuade our consciences, for we are bounde [sic] by the law of God and man to doe good unto all men and evil to noe man," they said."
After claiming that he was going to speak extemporaneously (while informed by the Holy Spirit [WTF?!]) at the Lincoln Memorial, Saturday, this transcript of Glenn Beck's 'Restoring Honor' speech was "leaked" to FOX News and posted on their Website.
"This is a rush transcript from 'Glenn Beck,' August 26, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated." (FOX "News")
p.s. I bet he'll use a teleprompter.
"...Beck's insanely melodramatic video promotion of the rally, replete with Goldline scamflackery and nutlog comparisons to Rosa Parks, the Wright Brothers, and the moon landing, isn't going to do anything to tamp down that nascent skepticism."
"King forcefully advocated for drastic action by the federal government to combat poverty; supported "social justice"; called for an "economic bill of rights" that would "guarantee a job to all people who want to work"; and stated that we must address whether we need to "restructure the whole of American society" -- all ideas that Beck has vilified."
"In a rousing address before a predominantly Muslim audience Tuesday night, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg reaffirmed his commitment to the controversial Islamic cultural center near the former site of the World Trade Center."
My father "wholeheartedly embrace[d] the 'social gospel'..."
"He said that any religion that is not concerned about the poor and disadvantaged, "the slums that damn them, the economic conditions that strangle them and the social conditions that cripple them, is a spiritually moribund religion awaiting burial."
I wish I had time to post this everyday: Richard Hofstadter's "The Paranoid Style In American Politics." It reads like a 'how to' manual for nut jobs like Glenn Beck.
"Tea partiers preparing to pour into DC for Glenn Beck's March on the capitol Saturday needn't worry about where to eat or how to get around -- thanks to a tea party leader in Maine, they have all the info they'll need about how to operate in the nation's capital."
"But D.C. is a scary place, tea party activist Bruce Majors writes, full of "immigrants, frequently from east Africa or Arab countries..."
"Fox News is either evil or stupid for not mentioning that Alwaleed bin Talal is News Corp.'s largest shareholder."
I'll say both, too.
WATCH the video clip at Comedy Central.
"Be afraid white people. Be very afraid."
"There was a time in this country where the poor went to poorhouses, where they were treated like chattel and had no real opportunity to pull themselves out of poverty. Progress changed all that. Programs like unemployment insurance, welfare, food stamps, and Social Security gave American an opportunity to survive with at least a foothold to a better life."
The same paranoid right wing loonies who are afraid mythical FEMA internment camps are now advocating concentration camps for the poor and homeless. It's tin foil hat and Thorazine time again.
"Far from being a civil rights icon, Glenn Beck has built his empire and fame in part by being a master divider along racial lines. Especially since the inauguration of Barack Obama on the eve of his Fox News debut, Beck has emerged as the media’s boldest manipulator of white racial anxieties, fears and prejudice."
"These are fake Christians trying to get publicity," Coulter said on Fox News' "Red Eye." She's upset with WND not just for dropping her but for publishing quotes from her email exchanges with WND editor Joseph Farah."
As the old saying goes, "It takes one to know one."
"The second largest shareholder in News Corp. -- the parent company of Fox News -- has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to causes linked to the imam planning to build a Muslim community center and mosque near 'Ground Zero' in Manhattan, says a report from Yahoo!News."
Here's one for all the morons who plan on participating in Glenn Beck's "I Have a Nightmare" rally this weekend at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.
"Of the other civil rights events at the Lincoln Memorial, perhaps none other has been as celebrated as the Easter Sunday 1939 concert by contralto Marian Anderson, who sang to 75,000 people gathered on the grounds. As an African American Anderson had previously been denied the right to perform at Constitution Hall, owned by the then all-white Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). As a result First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who resigned from the DAR because of the incident, worked in tandem with the Marian Anderson Citizens Committe, the NAACP, and other artistic and civil rights organizations to arrange and publicized the Lincoln Memorial concert."
"We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement" - National Park Service
WATCH the video on You Tube.
"At one point, a portion of the crowd menacingly surrounded two Egyptian men who were speaking Arabic and were thought to be Muslims. “Go home,” several shouted from the crowd. “Get out,” others shouted.
In fact, the two men — Joseph Nassralla and Karam El Masry — were not Muslims at all. They turned out to be Egyptian Coptic Christians who work for a California-based Christian satellite TV station called “The Way.” Both said they had come to protest the mosque."
"The Chinese government announced a plan to invest nearly $15 billion to support electric and hybrid car development. The plan aims to put millions of electric and hybrid energy vehicles on the road over the next few years in the world’s biggest auto market."
Meanwhile, here in the US, the reactionary Republican party plans to block any and all legislation aimed at reducing oil consumption. Just wait a few years. They will be the first to complain about Chinese domination of the international market for 'green' vehicles.
"Anti-Islam groups created by extremists like Pamela Geller are on a crusade against U.S. Muslims."
Every GOP NH Senate Candidate Is A Global Warming Denier
"Appearing at a debate hosted by the Seacoast Republican Women in Portsmouth, NH on Wednesday, the six candidates — from millionaire businessmen Bill Binnie and Jim Bender to former attorney general Kelly Ayotte — were unanimous in their denial of man-made climate change, despite the overwhelming scientific evidence and the obvious changes that have already hit New Hampshire."
Cat Culture Thrives in Istanbul
"Many a visitor has noted the abundance of stray cats in the old imperial capital of Istanbul. They amble and lounge around some mosques and have the run of a couple of universities. Facebook campaigns gather supplies for them, and it's easy to spot nibbles and plastic containers of water left discreetly on sidewalks for the felines."
"Did you ever ask yourself why people who watch Fox News are so grossly misinformed about our Constitution? The answer can be found by looking at who FNC considers constitutional experts. Fox doesn’t consider our constitutional law professor president an expert, but they look to such intellectual luminaries as Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin for guidance."
Just when you think it's going to be a slow news day, another wingnut jumps out of the clown car.
"Infamous Pastor Terry Jones, known for his activism against the Gainesville Florida mayor, and for his "Burn a Koran Day" has been arrested for possession of child pornography. Wednesday August 4, 2010 Pastor Terry Jones was arrested for sharing pictures of children in various states of nudity over the popular file sharing network Limewire."
"Due to lack of hotel rooms for 8-28, Beck tells listeners, "It's almost like, at this point, you're the baby Jesus"
Keith Olbermann presents facts and logical thinking again, surely to the dismay of those who seem intent on fanning the flames of bigotry that exist amongst the loony rightwing fringe.
"I think the president's problem is that he was born a Muslim, his father was a Muslim. The seed of Islam is passed through the father like the seed of Judaism is passed through the mother. He was born a Muslim, his father gave him an Islamic name," Graham told CNN's John King.
Of course "He was born a Muslim" is a right-wing-nut euphemism for "He's not a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant." Dog whistle code for racists and bigots.
"As the evangelical Right's influence has declined, conservatives are adhering to another religion -- one based on the scribblings of a sociopath."
This is "old" news but it may help explain where the majority of Teabaggers come from.
"Asked whether the Earth goes around the Sun or the Sun around the Earth, 21 percent replied incorrectly; 7 percent said they did not know."
Jon Stewart once again proves that, nowadays, logical, rational thought can be comedy. I'm not quite sure what this says about the times we live in.
Timely - and timeless - reminder: We were and are a nation of immigrants.
I've liked her music ever since I first heard her on MTV. Now I like it even more. I hope this song becomes a number one hit.
Don your tin foil hats and gather 'round the campfire. It's Patriot Paranoia Time.
I can't wait to see the the Arabic version of Glenn Beck. The thought makes my brain hurt.
Hey, Bill. Don't quit your day job. (p.s. Clinton's NOT a wingnut.)
"John Oliver says Muslims are allowed to put a mosque near Ground Zero, just like Catholics can build a church next to a playground." and that [he] believes that "Islam, like every religion, has to be responsible for its biggest a**holes."
The Tea Tard Party welcomes Obama to D.C. This is classic Mel Brooks, from "Blazing Saddles."
"A New York imam and his proposed mosque near ground zero are being demonized by political candidates — mostly Republicans — despite the fact that Islam is already very much a part of the World Trade Center neighborhood. And that Muslims pray inside the Pentagon, too, less than 80 feet from where terrorists attacked."
Everyone's favorite overweight Oxycontin addict, Rush Limbaugh, stars in his own film. Good thing he's not on uppers. He might not ever shut the f*#@ up.
This classic is a few years old, but it rings truer every day as the 'Dittohead In Chief' descends further into fascist demagogue territory.
"Pat Buchanan...said today that he thinks Newt Gingrich went "too far" when he compared the developers behind the Cordoba House Muslim community center to Nazis. It's "absurd," said Buchanan. "There is no valid comparison there."And if anyone should be able to spot a real fascist, it would be Pat Buchanan. As they say, "It takes one to know one."
All I can add to this is "Amen."
If is any doubt left in rational, thinking people's minds that FOX "News" is anything but "Fair and Balanced," this should wipe those doubts away.
This is what happens when loony fringe Republicans get intellectually cornered by facts and reality.
Yes, Virginia. There is no evidence that Santa Claus exists. Or the Tooth Fairy. Or Bigfoot. Or the Loch Ness Monster. Or Terrorist Anchor Babies. Or... hahahahahahahahaha.
If anyone can make sense out of this, please let me know.
Former US envoy to the UN, John Bolton, says Israel has '8 days' to hit Iranian nuclear site.
"Modern day 'Slavery Museum' puts spotlight on conditions of Florida’s farmworkers."
"The Supreme Court has upheld a $20,000 fine against a leader [Orly Taitz] of the movement challenging President Barack Obama's citizenship."
This just in, 30 years too late. (I'm still waiting for the "trickle down" to kick in.)
"ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- 'How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S. economy.' Yes, that is exactly what David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, 'Four Deformations of the Apocalypse.'"
"In the first 'Glenn Beck Morning Prayer,' [conservative activist David] Barton says 8-28 rally was 'called by' God."
"ABOARD AIR FORCE ONE – A White House spokesman says politics wasn't a factor in President Barack Obama's remarks about building a mosque near the site of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in New York City.
Deputy White House press secretary Bill Burton said it was "not politics" but Obama's feeling that he had the obligation as president to "make sure people are treated equally" under the Constitution.
Obama has said that religious freedom allows the mosque to be built, but without commenting on the wisdom of building one two blocks from ground zero. Republicans have pounded him for his comments, making it a prime midterm election issue.
Burton said Obama "felt it was his obligation as president to address this." Obama was on the way to Wisconsin for fundraising." (via Yahoo News)
"More than 40 prominent Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders and religion scholars issued a statement today condemning the "xenophobia and religious bigotry" fueling the increasingly strident opposition to a proposed Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero. These leaders from New York City and across the country are specifically challenging the divisive rhetoric of Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin, who have strongly opposed a center that will promote interfaith relations, combat extremism, and offer community programs for Americans of all religious backgrounds."
GOP Looney Tunes caught making stuff up -- again...
"Anderson Cooper (CNN) did a fun takedown last night of the latest right-wing meme against birthright citizenship -- that according to anonymous former FBI officials, there is a long-running plot to have 'terror babies' born here as U.S. citizens, then flown overseas and trained to come back and attack the United States 20 to 30 years later. Last night, Cooper brought on an actual former FBI official to debunk it."
The Republicans have embraced the Tea Partiers, or in some cases covertly sponsored them. Now that they've conjured up the evil Genie, they can't find a way to put it back in the bottle. All this nonsense is eerily similar to the way the reactionaries in the GOP elevated Newt Gingrich to Speaker of the House only to find that his anti-Washington, anti-big government, "throw the bums out" rhetoric was turned against them, as well.
"If elected, the Tea Party’s oddball candidates will spell long term disaster for Republicans."
The Muppets sing the 'Star & Stripes Foever.' This is a classic.
All the nutjobs are coming out of the woodwork, just like they did when Bill Clinton took office but worse. And they are being egged on by a$$holes like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and the rest of the Mad Tea Party crowd.
"The "sovereign citizens" movement, based on a bizarre ideology promoted by a father-son team that murdered two police officers recently in West Memphis, Ark., is growing at a rapid pace, according to the latest issue of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligence Report, released today."
"Critics of the Islamic cultural center claim it would be built on hallowed ground, but it would actually be built several blocks away from Ground Zero on top of a former Burlington Coat Factory."
"Massey Energy Co. executives will be subpoenaed in the U.S. investigation of a deadly West Virginia coal mine explosion that a safety regulator today called 'a preventable occurrence.'"
This is a favorite site of mine: web.archive.org. Their robot takes "snapshots" of the WWW and has been doing so since the early 1990s. Here's an example: Yahoo's main page from 1996 when it was no more than a simple html web page with links.
Got to love it when Libertarians are against government and law enforcement except when they themselves are cornered.
"Rand Paul said on Fox News today that his lawyers would be all over GQ magazine if it wasn't for that pesky First Amendment. But he didn't completely deny yesterday's crazy tale of his college years published by the magazine,..."
"A massive ice island four times the size of Manhattan has broken off an iceberg in northwestern Greenland, a researcher at a U.S. university said."
"The Great Russian Heatwave of 2010 is rapidly becoming one of the deadliest weather crises of our time. It might also be a preview of a future, warmer, planet. But you'd barely know it from watching US media coverage."
How very true and funny (in a scary sort of way.)
Welcome to the Tea Party that wasn't.
"The bike program in and of itself is fine," Dan Maes (GOP/Tea Party candidate for Denver Mayor) said. "What I'm concerned about is what's behind it all."
Just for fun...
"On his way out the door, he paused to grab a beer from the beverage cart. Then he ran to the employee parking lot and drove off, the authorities said."
Phyllis Schlafly at her insanely nutty best. Truly amazing that she is actually living in the 21st century with the rest of us.
"The theory of relativity is a mathematical system that allows no exceptions. It is heavily promoted by liberals who like its encouragement of relativism and its tendency to mislead people in how they view the world." ~ Phyllis Schlafly
Let 'em eat cake...
"Last week, the Senate finally passed a measure extending enhanced Medicaid and education funding for states and localities. But this critical assistance comes at a painful and unnecessary price. The main way the bill is paid for is by cutting $11.9 billion from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly Food Stamps) for low-income families."
Sounds like a fun place to live.
Rep. Boehner (R-OH) tries to defend Reagan/Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy, (i.e.,"Voodoo Economics.") He says nothing substantial but instead just repeats the usual, well-worn GOP mantra.
It's European SOCIALISM! Grab your guns and head for the hills!
More from the front runner GOP candidate in the race for governor of Tennessee. Next step: Palin/Marceaux in 2012! The half-term governor and the half-wit governor.
With all the disinformation coming from far right hacks like Glenn Beck about what the men who penned the U.S. Constitution meant, here is a great site to read - in their own words - of their thoughts and intentions.
"Something weird is happening with the tea party in Maine. In the past few days, tea party websites in the Pine Tree State have offered glimpses of what some are calling a coup at the one of the state's largest tea party groups, The Maine Patriots."
"Is it advisable for one who is not an expert on economic and social issues to express views on the subject of socialism? I believe for a number of reasons that it is."
"In Roseto, Pa., a carnival company closed down a shooter game called 'Alien Attack,' after complaints and news stories that President Obama was one of the targets."
“I think we should catch ’em, we should document ’em, make sure we know where they are and where they are going," said Pat Bertroche, an Urbandale physician. “I actually support microchipping them. I can microchip my dog so I can find it. Why can’t I microchip an illegal?"
This parody article is from The Onion way back in 1997, but I've never seen it before. I was actually working on part of this project for Publications at Harpers Ferry Center when this was first posted.
What an appropriate choice. Now there can be no denying that Limbaugh's been a water boy and boot licker for the GOP all these years.
"Stephen Colbert had conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham on his show last night to promote her new book, The Obama Diaries, which is made up of fake diary entries by the President."
(Along with everything else, she misspeaks, implying that a 'banshee' is a Native-American concept.)
WATCH at TPM Muckraker.